I thought it about time I started blogging my photos.
Its easy enough to go to my flickr page and trawl through the 1000-odd photos i've got uploaded; gives you a sense of progression and how much I have improved over the years, but it doesn't give you a sense of how I personally feel I have improved as a photographer.
I have been having a break from photography - been in the darkroom more than anything, but just havent found anything that really grabs me... Or moreso I havent found anyone who is willing to put up with my pedantic calculated method of photography (i.e. i've got the ideas, what I dont have is a model!!!)
So, I'll be posting one photo every day to this blog, giving my interpretation, my thoughts on the image, why I like it and any special techniques I used to get the image. Im going to start at the start - While my older stuff is hidden on flickr in between all the rest, most of it hasn't even made its way out of the shoebox downstairs full of negatives. It's going to be oldeskool, so expect to see stuff that you haven't seen before... But definitely my favourites of those that you have.
Most of the photos I will share with you are purely film - My oldest negatives were shot on cheap kodak or konica film, well over a decade ago. (A trip to the parents place will probably unearth photos at least 20 years old from brownie camp and various family christmas parties... I'll do my best to find them!!)
Ive since moved onto professional films and all the archival stability that they bring ;)
Theres going to be the odd digicam or camera phone pic in there too...
And maybe, just maybe, if I can tweak the scanner well enough, actual black and white prints fresh out of the darkroom.
In this way I am hoping that the little spark will come back to me and i'll once again become that little shutterbug carrying her medium format brick around the city.
Enjoy the journey!
P.S. This photo was taken using the auto timer on my nikkormat ftn, in 1997. This is my very first Custo shirt. I saved for ages to get it, and I still have it, though I dont wear it much anymore (its worn, faded and ever so very collectible!!)