He answers to any of the following names: Beau, Boo-boo, Foo-foo, Goo-goo, Googz, Foogz, Boogz, Googzy boy, Little Foo, Nook-nook boy.
He has the following talents: Excellent soccer control skills with balls, Can catch a ball from the air or snap it straight back to you, Killer of flies and especially fly swatters, Donuts - especially for Tyson ('cos it makes him laugh. A lot.) Eater of the salad and not the meat from your sandwich. Very talkative on car rides. Best little snuggler in the whole world and particularly good at giving hundreds of kisses when you are feeling down.
He is the most wonderfully social little dog, as long as you are human. Hes a big dog snob, which is sad as dogs seem to love him to bits!
When he was a puppy, Mum would stick him in the pocket of her sundress and go hang out the washing, with this tiny little puppy peering out of her pocket over his tiny little paws. He was best friends with our neighbours cat, Bobbi, and they would jump all over the yard chasing grasshoppers.
Little Beau is almost 15 years old now... he is winding down and mellowing out in his old age, but still enjoys playing for hours when my sister and I go to mum and dads to visit. The little energizer puppy still lives in him, it just chills out until we come over.